Bible Institute

In obedience to the Bible's mandate for every church to disciple its own people (Matt.28:19-20; 2Tim.2:2,15), and for the purpose of better equipping our own people for future ministry … we began the Golden Plains Baptist Bible Institute in September of 2002.
This 4-year course of in-class studies (coupled with church responsibilities and evangelistic outreach) has been a great benefit to many of our people. Taught on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 - 10:00 pm, we cover the following subjects:
Bible Doctrines 1 & 2
An examination of the Doctrines of God, Christ, Heaven, Hell, Angels, Satan & Devils, Man, Sin, The Church, and Last Things.
Taught in 28 weeks, and includes 23 weekly Quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
Bible Terminology 1
A study of the definitions of 130 difficult words in our KJB, as well as a look at 24 misunderstood Bible doctrines (as a-millennialism, apostasy, apostolic signs, Calvinism, and the ecumenical movement).
Taught in 15 weeks, and includes 12 weekly Quizzes and 1 Final Exam.
Book of Acts 1
A quick overview of the 28 chapters of Acts … noticing the transitional nature of this book.
Taught in 14 weeks, and includes 12 weekly Quizzes and 1 Final Exam.
Book of Revelation
A study of the 22 chapters of Revelation.
Taught in 93 weeks, and includes 9 quizzes and 1 Final Exam.
Church Education 1 & 2
The practical "nuts and bolts" of operating a church (soulwinning, advertising, visitors, altar work, finances, missionaries, business meetings, church-planting procedures, deputation, weddings, funerals, counseling, church discipline, and Baptist distinctives.
Taught in 28 weeks, and includes 24 weekly Quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
Church History 1, 2, 3 & 4
A study of Church History from the time of the book of Acts until the present day. CH4 includes DVD's of many of the Reformers.
Taught in 56 weeks, and includes 40+ weekly quizzes and 4 Final Exams.
General Epistles 1, 2, & 3
A study of Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 & 2 & 3 John.
Taught in 42 weeks, and includes 39 weekly quizzes and the 3 Final Exams.
Gospels 1 & 2
A study of the highlights of Matthew 1:1 thru John 8:32.
Taught over 28 weeks, and includes 25 weekly quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
Home & Family
A study that includes raising children, courtship, weddings, marriage.
Taught in 83 weeks, and includes 10 quizzes and 1 Final Exam.
Major Prophets 1 & 2
A study of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations & Ezekiel
Taught in 28 weeks, and includes 24 weekly quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
Minor Prophets 1 & 2
A study of all 12 Old Testament Minor Prophetical books (Hosea - Malachi)
Taught in 28 weeks, and includes 22 weekly quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
Old Testament History 1 & 2
A survey of the books of Genesis through 1 Kings (Solomon's Reign).
Taught in 28 weeks, and it includes 23 weekly quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
Paul's Church Epistles 1, 2, 3, & 4
A study of the highlights of Romans through Titus.
Taught in 56 weeks, and includes 50 weekly quizzes and 4 Final Exams.
Preacher & Preaching 1 & 2
A study of the philosophy of preaching, as well as the assembling and delivering of a message.
Taught in 28 weeks, and includes 25 weekly quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
Problem Texts 1 & 2
A study of 128 standard examples of where the critics say the King James Bible is "full of errors", and resolutions for each of them.
Taught in 28 weeks, and it includes 24 weekly quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
The Bible Issue
A brief study answering which Bible is God's Preserved Word today.
Taught over 10 weeks. Has no quizzes and no final exam.
Bible Geography & Chronology 1 & 2
This study locates the vast majority all of cities, countries, watercourses, journeys & events (mentioned systematically through the Bible) on today's maps & charts.
Taught over 28 weeks, and it includes 26 weekly quizzes and 2 Final Exams.
Bible Hermeutics 1 & 2
This study introduces the student to basic Bible study tools, Manuscript Evidence for our KJV position, and explains the 22 Laws of Bible Interpretation.
Taught over 28 weeks, and it includes 23 weekly quizzes and 2 Final Exams.